Page 195 - artemide-design
P. 195

Choose terra                                   design                                                                                                          121 262 404
Choose mega terra
                                               Matteo Thun
                                               2006, 2007

Light emission  Colours                        Materiali: base in zama; struttura in metallo verniciato;
                                               diffusore orientabile in materiale termoformato accoppiato a un foglio
                        Base and stem:         di polipropilene serigrafato rosso o da carta pergamena.
                        Dark Grey
                                               Materials: base in zamac,                                 Matériaux : base en zamac;  Materialien: Leuchtenfuß  Materiales: pie de zamak;
                        Diffuser:              painted metal structure,                                  structure en métal verni ;  aus Zamak; Struktur       estructura de metal pintado;
                        Transparent + Red      adjustable diffuser in                                    diffuseur orientable        aus lackiertem Metall;    difusor orientable de material
                                               thermoformed material                                     en matériau thermoformé     verstellbarer Schirm      termoformado con tejido
                        Diffuser:              joined with red silkscreened                              couplé à une feuille de     aus thermogeformtem       de polipropileno rojo
                        Transparent + Natural  polypropylene sheet                                       polypropylène sérigraphié   Polypropylen entweder     serigrafiado o con tela de
                                               or with parchment paper.                                  rouge ou papier parchemin.  rot bedruckt oder mit     pergamino.


ø358  226

      ø230                             ø370

Choose terra Fluo              Choose mega terra Fluo
FLUO 2x13W (G24 q-1) – TC-DEL  Direct emission:
With electronic ballast        FLUO 3x18W (G24q-2) – TC-DEL
 IP20                          With electronic ballast
                               Indirect emission:
Energy Label n°7               INC max 1x100W (E27) – R80 reflector
Choose terra                   FLUO 1x23W (E27) – SPOT
HALO max 2x52W (E27)
or LED max 2x14W (E27)          IP20
                               Energy Label n°14
Energy Label n°6
                               Choose mega terra Halo
                               Direct emission:
                               HALO max 3x77W (E27)
                               Indirect emission:
                               INC max 1x100W (E27) – R80 reflector


                               Energy Label n°6

                                                                                                         Choose Mega terra                                     Choose terra

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