Page 274 - artemide-design
P. 274

Empatia 16 parete/soffitto                  design                                                                                                                                                                                                            LED       372
Empatia 26 parete/soffitto
Empatia 36 parete/soffitto                  Carlotta de Bevilacqua                                                                                                                                                                                              62 168
                                            Paola di Arianello

Light emission        Colours               Materiali: corpo della lampada in alluminio pressofuso con finitura
                              White         verniciata; diffusore in vetro soffiato trasparente con finitura seta lucida;
                                            guida luce in metacrilato a basso coefficiente di assorbimento.

Awards                                      Materials: painted die-       Matériaux : corps en           Materialien: Leuchtenkörper                                                                                                                          Materiales: cuerpo de la
2014 – Wallpaper Design Awards              cast aluminium body lamp;     aluminium moulé sous           aus druckgegossenem, lackier-                                                                                                                        lámpara en aluminio fundido
2014 – iF Product Design Award              diffuser in blown glass with  pression peint ; diffuseur en  tem Aluminium; Schirm aus                                                                                                                            a presión y pintado; difusor
                                            a polished-silk finish;       verre soufflé transparent      transparentem, mundgebla-                                                                                                                            en cristal soplado transpa-
                                            light pipe made of low        avec finition soie             senem Glas in seidig glän-                                                                                                                           rente con acabado seda
                                            absorption coefficient        brillante ; guide lumière      zendem Finish; Lichtstab aus                                                                                                                         lúcido; guía de luz en meta-
                                            methacrylate.                 en méthacrylate à bas          Methacrylat mit niedrigem                                                                                                                            crilato de bajo coeficiente
                                                                          coefficient d’absorption.      Absorptionsko effizienten.                                                                                                                           de absorción.

                Empatia 16 parete/soffitto         Empatia 26 parete/soffitto                                                                                                                                                                Empatia 36 parete/soffitto

                LED Total power      11W          LED Total power         16W                                                                                                                                                              LED Total power    24W
                Color temperature    3000K        Color temperature       3000K                                                                                                                                                            Color temperature  3000K
                Lighting output      530lm        Lighting output         710lm                                                                                                                                                            Lighting output    1189lm
                Not dimmable                      Not dimmable                                                                                                                                                                             Not dimmable

                IP20                              IP20                                                                                                                                                                                     IP20

ø160            Energy Label n°1                  Energy Label n°1                                                                                                                                                                         Energy Label n°1



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